Zed looks great for quick small projects. I believe Zed arrived late and has a lot to catch up with. However…its promising.
This is the era of editor and IDEs with amazing autocompletion, plugins, and AI capabilities.
The problem here is “how to do complex things and keep things simple” and I believe the new jetBrains IDEs do that incredible well but at the cost of speed but again, machines are now so powerful that couple seconds to load is a small price.
I use something like RunJs (https://runjs.app) for mac when I want to explore small ideas. I would consider Zed for those scenarios and small projects in general.
Again, Zed has a lot to catch up and hasnt yet solve the problems that make it appealing to even stand against something like VSCode. Its in a different category and it should either focus on that category or step up and become a competition. Overall, it looks interesting.
P.s: I wish the website had more images and videos about the product instead of spending time explaining the vision.