You pretty much described the type of developer who would hate React. No experience, Traditional, enjoys separation, cant grasp “think React”, experienced OG Angular/Ember, confused about Redux and RXJS, tried React during its drastic shift period ( 2017 - 2019), etc.
You pretty much described my experience In around same period of time. Pure hell!
That does not justify Vue being superior to React despite all the advantages which I am aware of.
Its not about being “better”. Its just experience. Sorry for yours.
I am still experiencing bad React setup and im convinced there is a better way. Not a better tool. Its not the tool. Its how you use and embrace it. If you use a screwdriver on a nail you will quickly be convinced that a rock is better than a screwdriver.
React is revolutionary. Period. Thats why till this day new things come up trying to mimic or beat it. All of them failed to take over. Anything better than it should have been at the top. Right?
Dont use a bad experience to shit on an idea. Like Vue? Great! Me too. But Vue has its problems too. Anything you try after a bad experience will feel better.
Its all about experience and everything new or that you resist to will feel bad.
Great developers dont blame or are limited by their tools. You need your experience to know which tool to use and React will not satisfy all the use-cases. That does not make it bad.